Questions about what it’s like to work together?
Here are some of the most common questions I get about therapy. If you don’t see your question answered below, contact me.
I am licensed in Utah and offer in-person and Telehealth appointments.
In-person: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Telehealth: Wednesdays.
Office address: 850 E. 300 S. #1, SLC, UT.
I offer 50 min. individual therapy sessions: $150
I am in-network with Blue Cross/Regence.
I am an out-of-network provider with all other insurance companies.
All payments are made at the time of our session. Payment can come from HSA/FSA , Visa, Mastercard or AMEX.
I offer a ‘superbill’ for you to submit to your insurance company. In some cases, your insurance company may offer some reimbursement. You will be responsible to contact them to confirm you have those benefits.
-Do I have out of network benefits for mental health services?
-How much will you reimburse for each session I attend and pay for?
-Do I have an out-of-network deductible? Have I met it?
-The codes for sessions will be: 90791 and 90837
Contact me via the form on this website.
If it is helpful, you can schedule a free 15 min consultation to see if we are a good fit. Click on any link on this website to get in touch with me.
You can also request an appt. through the same form on this website. I will contact you to make an appt. …. Yay!!
There are many benefits of online therapy.
You can meet with someone from the comfort of your own home.
You will be able to find a therapist that has specific training in what you need, regardless what area you live in.
It is easier to fit therapy into your already hectic work, family, and travel schedule.
Current research finds evidence of positive relationships between the clients and their therapist.
Telehealth is easy and convenient. Prior to our session, you will receive a link in your email. In order to have the best telehealth experience, you will need:
-a secure, working computer or mobile device with audio & video capabilities.
-a strong internet connection.
-a private, distraction free location.
I use HIPPA-compliant software, ensuring your privacy and confidentiality. It is a state-of-the-art encrypted video conferencing platform.
Confidentiality and ethics policies are strictly followed.
During our sessions, you will need to take the necessary steps on your end to ensure confidentiality. Please make sure you are in a private place when we meet.
Therapists have at least a Master’s Degree from an accredited University and have completed at least 2 years post-graduate supervision. They are licensed by the state they practice in, have to comply with strict ethics requirements, carry malpractice insurance and complete continuing education every year and are recognized by insurance companies. Additionally, they are qualified to diagnose and treat trauma, mental health challenges across life stages and treat persistent difficulties with emotions, traumatic events, etc.
Generally, life coaches are not licensed by any state and thus do not have to abide by the same strict requirements. They are trained in specific current life difficulties.
Choosing one over another depends on what you are wanting help with.
Ready to get started?
Click the button below to request a free, confidential consultation with me.